Going to the light side..

This may be a sign of insanity. I’m going to sell my Ampro and buy a digital projector. I’m certain that part of this is because I’ve not had my CRT setup and running since June — since I clearly remember going and seeing various digital projectors and then going home and thinking what an increadible image I had at home.

However, as flawed as my reasoning is. I think I’ve convinced myself that there are digital projectors that give an ‘acceptable’ image for the effort.

There are other projects I want to spend time on, and I suspect that my home theater will start to take a back seat. I won’t have the time to invest in tweaking the CRT, and while I’m crazy enough now to let it go.. its probably the right thing for me to do.

Of course, someone else will probably be laughing all the way to the bank since I plan to sell it for half what I paid for it 🙂 and the Quadscan processor will have to go too — which will probably fetch a mere fraction of what I paid for it.

Well, there you go.. confession over.

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