Some success..

Tonight I had a chance to sit down and go through the ‘registration’ procecure (seems to be what Ampro calls convergence). I also figured out how to unlock things so you can make changes (20 code).

I was able to address the image wrap slightly by using the ‘phase’ to shift the image to be centered, then ‘size’ to shrink the image within the raster. I still have a little wrap on either side of the image but its really hard to see.

The registration procedure is confusing at first, but now that I’ve been through it a few times it seems to make a lot of sense. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to be as precise as I was with the point convergence of the ECP. I was wrong. I think that the Ampro is capable of much better fine tuning than the ECP was.

I was able to get a watchable image — not perfect by a long shot. Observations: the blacks are better (I suspect the liquid coupled lenses help here) and it seems brighter (as expected with the move from 7″ to 9″ CRTs). Problems: The colour balance is off. Everything is a little green. The black detail needs some work too. So lots of work to do — but I’m well on the path.

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