The projector was too low sitting on the coffee table. Tonight we raised it up 10″ by placing part of the old seating platform under the table — this brings the projector up to just below the bottom of the screen (my screen is mounted fairly high on the wall, 34″ or so). We also took some care to make sure that the projector was close to center and square to the screen.
Turning it on to check how we did, shows that I need to re-do the mechanical setup — but also that the setup menus are off to one side of the tube face. I’m going to have to go back to the manual to sort out why.
I also still haven’t figured out how channels work, since I can’t seem to get RBG input on channel 1 (or 2 for that matter).
At least the physical layout is much better, I can start atcually tweaking the unit now.