Posts filed under 'Support Applications'

List 0.98

A few minor bug fixes in both List and the companion program listdb.exe. I’ve also finally tackled the note editing problem people have had with large notes. Now when you are editing a record with a large note a new “Note” button appears that allows you to go to a full screen editing mode for the note field.Two new translations: Russian, and Danish. Thanks to Valery Sukhanov and Henrik Clausen. If you are interested in helping to create a translation for List please contact me. Please also let me know if there are errors in the translation, or improvements to the translations that exist.

a Kirk Conyers built a List to Word conversion tool in Perl. This is a good example of how you can quite easily extend List (and its companion tools) into an integrated custom solution. Using the Perl script you can make a very pretty “print out” of your List databases.

A few people have emailed me with problems with List — they have failed to read the readme.txt file and have mistakenly installed ALL of the .prc files. You only need to install ONE of the .prc files. The other .prc files are the different translations of List.

Add comment February 25th, 2000

Updated PC companion programs.

What an interesting month it has been. After being very careful to weed out the bugs that plagued List 0.96, I introduced a version of listdb.exe that didn’t work at all! To top it all off, not only did I lose some of the website changes (the August 19th news update), I also managed to exceed the bandwidth my ISP allows for a single month..Olaf Martens has put together a WListDB update, you can get it here. He is also working on a complete re-write to help make it more user-friendly, so please email him with any suggestions you might have.

Both the listfull and listlite downloads have been updated. Visit the download page to get the latest version.

Hopefully all the little things have been cleared up now and I can get back to adding a few more features to List. If you are interested in knowing what’s in store, check out the readme.txt in Thanks to all of you that have contributed in some way to making List what it is today.

Add comment January 10th, 2000

Quick update

It seems the new version of List has been well received on the most part. Some people have reported crash bugs, but they are all associated with “Hacks” that are installed.  If you are using EVplugbase or Hackmaster and experience crashes with List, try disabling any of the “Hacks” installed.  This will likely stop the crashes. If you discover a “Hack” that is List unfriendly, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.  Darren Dunham has sent an update to the perl scripts available for download here

Mark Bailey has developed a List database that people in the medical field (doctors) might find useful. Visit his website and check it out.

Michele has contributed some List databases that Weight Watchers members will find useful, please visit her site.

Add comment August 19th, 1999

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