
A couple of years ago I broke down and bought a Squeezebox. This really gave me the incentive to digitize my entire audio library (I settled on 192kbps fixed MP3 via the LAME encoder).  The thing that makes the Squeezebox so cool, is the server software – which works with other networked MP3 players.  I’m still using the 6.5 version of Slimserver, but will eventually move up to the 7.0 Squeezecenter.

You still need to be a little bit handy in terms of setting up a server, but the slimdevices story really makes it pretty easy to get to where you need to be for a nice integrated story.  The UI on the device itself is relatively people friendly (ie: you don’t have to be a geek to use it), and the web UI that gives you the option to control your player from your PC totally rocks.  The setup is way easier than building a PVR, such as a MythTV box – which I have also done.  The server software is free, and you can try it out using some player simulation software.

The server software supports plugins.  This allows a wide range of customization of the base server software.  I like to have the weather displayed, and had selected the WeatherTime plugin.  This required a free account registration, and the careful avoidance of signing up for spam at  Until recently this was working just fine, then I got an email indicating I was not using their service “correctly” and would have my feed terminated.  I quickly realized how much I missed having the weather available.

It turns out that the WeatherTime folk have updated the plugin to pull from the Weather Underground, so I’m back in business.  Simply grabbing the updated plugin (v1.9.5), restarting my slimserver, and configuring the city code (use the airport code) – was all I needed to do.

The squeezebox wasn’t my first networked player, the RIO was my first device.  Certainly something ahead of its time.  It was only recently that I was able to revive my old RIO and put it to use again, the slimrio project allows you to run an alternate firmware on the RIO and connect to the slimserver.  You will need to configure the slimserver to automatically convert the audio to lower bitrate MP3s, this is actually really easy to do – another testament to how cool the slimserver software is.

If I had a better story for syncing data to my iPod, I’d consider storing my entire audio collection in FLAC.  In the near term, I’ll continue to suffer using iTunes.  Hopefully one day soon, the idea that we will see media convergence (and have easily available software to glue it all together reasonably) will be realized.

Travel & WiFi

Here I am sitting in the Vancouver airport waiting for my flight, writing a blog post using the free wifi access.  It isn’t all that speedy – but its free.  The Las Vegas airport also had free wifi, and better speeds.

Now the Ottawa airport doesn’t have free wifi – they’ve partnered with Boingo to provide a for fee service.  At least the wifi in Ottawa gives you access to the airport website for free, so you can check flights etc.

If you naively connect to the Boingo wifi and open your browser, you are redirected to the page which lets you sign up.  You can choose between a monthly rate of $11.95 or a 24hr pass for $9.95.  The monthly rate seems like a deal.  Of course you can also use your Boingo account a number of other places, but from what I saw it wasn’t enough other places to make it useful.

Examining the URL that I was redirected to, it was clear I was getting a special deal via a promo code: &PROMO=UNL01093CAD3.  Removing that promo code, resulted in the same page – but with different pricing.   Monthly jumps to $14.95 and 24hrs drops to $6.95.  Seems like the promo code doesn’t really help as much as it should.

Digging around, Boingo also provides 30 days free for mobile access.  If you read the terms of service, they specifically restrict laptops.

The National Captial Freenet offers DSL service for about $30 a month, and encourages you to share it with your neighbours.  While the costs might be slightly different for something the scale of an airport, it has to pale in comparison to some of the other airport costs.  Most of them levy an airport improvement fee in any case.  If you didn’t want to squeeze out the for fee providers, just make the bandwidth and reliability the distinguishing factor.

Time to get on a plane..

WordPress Exploit

I recently upgraded to WordPress 2.5 – and in the process of doing so, I noticed something funky with my older 2.3.3 installs claiming to be 2.5 already. I thought it was odd – but didn’t immediately come across anyone having reported strangeness here and so I just ignored it.

Now that 2.5.1 is out, I thought I’d go upgrade again. Well, after the upgrade I was still having the dashboard tell me that I needed to upgrade. Odd. This time a web search did uncover information that was relevant.

Details on the wp-info.txt exploit are interesting. It seems to me that several problems are being lumped into the one discussion, but I found some helpful advice to help clean things up from the links provided there.


  • Presence of wp-info.txt
  • Displayed version changed without upgrading.
  • Database modifications
  • New files ending in _new, _old, .pngg, .jpgg, .giff appearing inside writable directory

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