How To: Jenkins with Apache controlled authentication

For a change of pace, I was working with RHEL6 instead of Ubuntu and setting up a Jenkins CI server. I’ve used Jenkins aka Hudson previously, but this was my first time setting it up.

A lot of this is straight from the Jenkins wiki, which is detailed and helpful but at times cryptic. The default access mode of Jenkins is pretty much wide open, this is very handy for getting things done – but probably not what you want if there are a mix of people on the network, many whom you really don’t want to let do stuff like launch/configure your builds. As I had Apache already running and setting up authentication with Apache is relatively straight-forward, I figured the easy solution would be to hide Jenkins behind Apache.

Since Jenkins is a big wad of Java code that is offering up a web interface, we’ve effectively got two web servers running: Apache, and Jenkins (different ports). The solution we’ll use is a proxy on the Apache side and some firewall rules to prevent direct access to Jenkins, forcing people through the proxy and thus the authentication controlled by Apache.

Let’s start by checking to see if mod proxy is enabled. This is simply a matter of verifying if /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf has these two lines:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

In my case it was enabled so no work needed. Now we modify /etc/sysconfig/jenkins, at the end of the file we need to add some args to point at the path we want our Jenkins instance to be hosted at:


Restart Jenkins (service jenkins restart) to have the changes picked up. You can test to see if it’s working on localhost:8080/jenkins. I tried, and failed to have this work for a nested path (ie: /path/to/jenkins), I suspect this is a Jenkins limitation but didn’t chase down the actual reason.

Next let’s create an Apache configuration file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/jenkins_proxy.conf with the following contents:

ProxyPass /jenkins http://localhost:8080/jenkins
ProxyPassReverse /jenkins http://localhost:8080/jenkins
ProxyRequests Off

# Local reverse proxy authorization override
# Most unix distribution deny proxy by default (ie /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf in Ubuntu)
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

We need to restart the web server (service httpd restart) to have these changes picked up. As this is RHEL6 and it is running with SELinux enabled, we also need to allow httpd (Apache) to do proxy connections:

# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect true

Now at this point you should be able to visit, and see that our proxy configuration is working. This is cool, but people can still talk to it via which will bypass Apache.

We’ll be using iptables to accomplish this. As you can see my system was running iptables, but everything was permitted.

# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Use ifconfig to figure out what your ethernet card is (the one where external packets will come from), in my case it was eth6. So we can simply instruct iptables to drop packets destined to 8080 from that source, allowing only internal traffic (ie: the proxy) to pass.

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth6 --dport 8080 -j DROP

That’s it, now users are forced to come in the correct front door (Apache). To make the iptables change permanent:

#service iptables save

So now the Apache web server is seeing traffic to Jenkins and can perform authentication, this is simple enough to add to the Apache configuration file we created that defined the proxy (/etc/httpd/conf.d/jenkins_proxy.conf) – I’ll leave that one up to the reader to sort out.

How To: Spectroscope from common items

Ok, maybe it’s not very pretty – but it’s a science project you can put together in about 10 minutes once you’ve got the parts together AND those parts are likely things you’ve got around your home now. It was a long weekend and the kids and I were looking for something to make, this fit the bill and just maybe taught them a little bit about science (maybe I learned something too). The original article is a great reference, as usual I’ll repeat the steps here with my notes.

Parts list:

  1. Box – large enough for a CD
  2. CD, used or not
  3. Toilet paper tube
  4. Two razor blades
  5. Tape: scotch tape & silver foil tape (but masking + duct will work too)

For reference, in the picture at the top of the post – the bottom of the box is facing us, and the tube is coming out of the right side.

First we cut an oval hole for the paper tube in the right side. Choose a side, and use the CD as a guide – place it in the lower left corner and mark the center hole. Now use that as a guide to center the paper tube and mark the outside of the tube. Shift the tube left so it’s touching the center of the CD hole marking and mark the outside of the tube. You should have two outlines of the paper tube that you can make into an oval.

The next hole is for the razor blades, it goes on the side to the left of the oval hole. It should be 1/2 inch wide by 2 inches high – give or take a bit. It should the same height up the box as the tube hole (use the CD as a guide) but about 1/2 inch in from the edge. We’re going to cover this slot with the razor blades in a minute.

Now place the razor blades over the second hole and tape them in place. They should fully cover the hole and be spaced as closely together as possible, almost but not quite touching. It is important to have an even spacing top to bottom.

Orient the box as seen in the picture at the top of the post. Place the CD on the side of the box that is lying on the ground now, label side down. Shine a flashlight into the razor blade slit, and hold the tube in the oval at an angle. You may need to close the box to see this, but you should see a rainbow of sorts when you look through the tube at the CD.

Once you’ve got this basically aligned (and don’t sweat it too much), tape things in place. Use the foil tape to seal the box up to prevent any light leaks.

That’s it, we’ve built a spectrometer!

Above is a full spectrum resulting from sunlight. If you look carefully you’ll notice there are clouds as the razor blade slit (diffraction grating) also acts as a pinhole camera.

The pinhole effect is much more obvious in this photo which shows some trees blocking some of the light.

The image on the left is a normal 4′ fluorescent bulb, the one on the right is a T4 fluorescent bulb. The gas signature is pretty much identical.

The image on the left is a CFL bulb, exhibiting the basic fluorescent gas signature. The one on the right is a regular incandescent bulb, notice it is quite similar to sunlight.


Building PDFs with ImageMagick

I’ve flipped back and forth between reading physical books and eBooks over the last couple of years. I’m currently in an eBook phase, and it may stick this time. A sale on Kobo let me grab a few I had been meaning to read for next to nothing, now that I’ve bought a few I’m more likely to buy more.

Sometime you want to move some content into a format that can be easily read using one of the eReaders. Let’s consider two scenarios: a) You have a paper copy of something you want to scan and convert, b) there is a web resource that is formatted as pages but isn’t in PDF format. Under Ubuntu I like Simple Scan, it allows you to easily scan multi-page documents. If dealing with a web resource, a full screen browser window and Alt-Print Screen will perform a screen capture allowing you to save a series of pages quickly.

Simple Scan will save multiple scanned pages with filenames (Scanned Document-1.jpg) which sort nicely in order of scan. The screen shot utility uses filenames in the format  “Screenshot at YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.png” so again we have perfect alphabetic sorting in the directory. Having the files in the directory in the correct order will be helpful later on.

Now with both scanning and screen capture there will be elements in the image that we want to crop. As we’re likely dealing with 10’s of pages, we don’t want to have to open GIMP on each of them and edit. Enter ImageMagick – a command line friendly tool for image processing. My screen resolution is 1680×1050 and the screen shots were all 1680×1026 (due to the Ubuntu desktop title bar). The screen shot contained the browser “chrome” as well as portions of the page I didn’t want. Using GIMP I was able to determine the upper left (491×126) and lower right (1170×1026) corners of the image, a little math told me the cropped image size was 679×900. I made a copy of one of the images and called it x.png, this let me experiment to make sure I got it right.

$ convert x.png -crop 679x900+491+126 y.png

Excellent, the resulting y.png file is properly cropped. Now I want to convert all of the files in the directory, and in fact I want to mutate them in place. It turns out mogrify is the the solution:

$ mogrify -crop 679x900+491+126 *.png

This will modify all of the images “in place” in the directory I’m using. For scanned images we have pretty much the same process yet the cropping dimensions will be different.

At this point I jumped the gun and converted all of the files in the directory into a pdf. Here is a screen capture of the PDF viewer showing a simple example to demonstrate the problem:

So while the cropped .png displays properly with no whitespace around it, the PDF clearly has additional whitespace. The ImageMagick identify utility helps explain what’s wrong here:

$ identify Screenshot\ at\ 2012-05-29\ 20\:26\:25.png
Screenshot at 2012-05-29 20:26:25.png PNG 679x900 1680x1026+491+126 8-bit DirectClass 1.263MB 0.050u 0:00.050

Ah, so the image still has the original size, but it’s been cropped to the corrected size. It turns out I want to apply an additional processing step to the images, +repage (to completely remove/reset the virtual canvas meta-data from the images)

$ mogrify +repage *.png

$ identify Screenshot\ at\ 2012-05-29\ 20\:26\:25.png
Screenshot at 2012-05-29 20:26:25.png PNG 679x900 679x900+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 1.263MB 0.050u 0:00.050

Now I’m ready to create a PDF file:

$ convert *.png book.pdf

This works like a charm because my files are in the correct order. The resulting PDF size is a little bit bigger than the sum of the individual image files. I did explore ways to reduce this, but all of them resulted in lower quality images in the PDF and that impacted readability.