Review: screen protectors

I used to be one of those that strongly believed screen protectors were not worth the money. Over time I had a series a devices which I carried with me daily with no screen protection, sure after a year or two I’d inevitably end up with a small scratch but at that point the value of the device had dropped significantly anyways. The cost of screen protectors seemed outrageous, you could buy from a brand name and pay a big price – or opt for the super cheap knock offs from eBay. I assumed the cheap ones were not worth the money as the name brand ones were 10x more expensive.

The first phone I had with a screen protector was the NexusOne. It came to me with a Zagg invisibleshield installed. The invisibleshield model was one of the ones with the self healing property and had a slightly mottled surface. This felt a little different than a naked screen, your finger had a little drag. It was easy to get used to this. I never bothered to remove the screen protector during the time I had that phone.

Readers of this blog will know that the next phone I had was an HTC Desire. This came with no screen protector. The screen showed a few tiny (nearly invisible) scratches in the Gorilla Glass screen. The scratches were not enough to bother me in day to day use. When I bought a case for the phone from eBay, a cheap screen protector came along with it. I wrote back then that I was pretty impressed with the screen protector as it felt exactly like the screen.

My current phone is a well used Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (i9000m). It’s got a few nicks and dings, and a handful of fairly deep scratches on the screen. Honestly you don’t notice them in normal use, but you can see them if you look up close as should be evident in the picture below. This is the lower part of the phone close up, a lamp is reflected off the screen but hopefully the scratch marks are clear (a deep one is centered, about 1/4 down from the top).

While I liked the case, it added a lot of bulk to the HTC Desire. This round I decided against a case but thought a couple of bucks was worth getting some screen protection. A screen protector can also help hide some of the existing scratches on a screen (true from my experience).

After looking around a little, I decided on an anti-glare screen. The cost was a little bit more than the clear ones, but less than a cup of coffee more. The youtube video demonstrating it also looked pretty cool. I made the purchase from eBay, but it turns out CitiGeeks has a web store and is based in Canada.

The packaging looked professional and included their logo. What was inside is pictured below.

You get the screen protector, a small card that you use to prevent air bubbles when installing, and a cleaning cloth. They have very good installation instructions on their website, and a youtube video which is very helpful.

The resulting installed anti-glare screen looks very good on the phone, turning it into a matte black surface when off. You can see the anti-glare properties in the photo below giving a soft halo reflection of the light. It also does a reasonable job hiding some of the small scratches, but not the deeper ones. Again, during normal use you don’t see any of the scratches.

I wouldn’t recommend the anti-glare screen having used it for a while. It does cut down on glare, but I find it adds a strange sparkle effect to images. If you look at the picture at the top of this post the right side of the image shows some of this as a multi-color graininess. This is difficult to capture in a picture, but is quite distracting in some situations.

I will recommend CitiGeeks. They provided a 20% discount coupon for my next order (if you search for this coupon online you should be able to find it easily). They also have pretty good email support, even at off hours. When I got my Galaxy Tab, I bought a crystal clear protector for it using the coupon and was able to get a better price than eBay. The clear screen protector is completely invisible, I had two Galaxy Tabs next to each other – one with a protector and one without – you could not tell the difference.

Low cost screen protectors do work well, and pay for themselves with the peace of mind they provide you when you accidentally toss your car keys into the same pocket as your phone. Should you get one? I think it’s still personal preference, I’m sold on them but only if I can get them at very low cost.

Ubuntu Apache2 “trusted” SSL Certificate from StartSSL

I own the domain and host a couple of personal projects as well as this blog on it. One of the areas is behind a password and that part of the site I redirect over to https to ensure that the communication is encrypted. While the whole Certificate Authority infrastructure has currently become questioned, the value of having a SSL connection between your browser and (hopefully) a specific destination machine still has value. I found a humorous youtube video that describes SSL basics if this is new to you.

If you were watching the tech news, you’ll have seen several of the CA’s had security breaches. Even StartSSL which this post will talk about using had some issues, but it seems that it wasn’t as bad as the others. There has even been some research into how to attack / break SSL entirely. The web is a scary place if you think too much about this stuff. Today SSL is the most convenient web security story there is, and for the most part it works well enough.

For most people hosting personal websites the simple path is to use a self signed certificate.  The one downside to this is that whatever browser you are using will not recognize the certificate as valid, you’ll either be prompted to download and remember it – or just trust it for this one session. The manner in which browsers trust commercial web sites https connections is the certificates are issued by one of the root CA’s (Certificate Authority). The CA is a trusted 3rd party which the browser can check with to validate the certificate the website is offering up.

Ubuntu has some guides on creating certificates. What I’ll try to do here is provide a specific example of using StartSSL to generate a free certificate that is accepted by most web browsers. Much of the details come from another blog that I referenced when creating my StartSSL certificate.

You’ll probably want to use FireFox. The web interface at can be a bit finicky and FireFox is known to work – I used the somewhat old 3.6.25 version. Of course the first step is to sign-up and create an account on StartSSL. They use email confirmation and my greylisting caused a bit of a hiccup here, waiting a few minutes and resubmitting the sign-up succeeded just fine. Then there will be a wizard that takes you through the rest of the sign-up process.

At the end of your account sign up you’ll be encouraged to back up the client certificate that has been installed into your browser. As I understand it, they use the client certificate as a form of authentication that it is really you they are connected to. The FAQ has details on backing up the client certificate. If for some reason you lose your client certificate they have a FAQ for that too.

Next we want to return to the “Control Panel” and use the “Validations Wizard” to do the “Domain Name Validation”. This will require another email validation to ensure that you are the owner of the domain (you’ll need to be able to receive email for that domain).

Now we can actually create a certificate. There are pay options for certificates, but we want to use the free version. Use the “Certificates Wizard” to create a “Web Server SSL/TLS Certificate”. Again I’ll reference the very useful blog post from that describes this set of steps (I will replicate here for completeness).

The first step of creating a certificate we can skip, as we plan to create our own Certificate Signing Request (CSR) locally. Execute the follwoing on your server, obviously replacing with your domain name:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 380 -nodes -keyout -out

There will be several questions posed to you during this, here is a dump of the questions and some example answers:

Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:CA
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:YourStateOrProvince
Locality Name (eg, city) []:YourCity
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:SomeName
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:

Some of the answers can be blank as should be evident above. If you’re having trouble with the 2 letter country codes, check on wikipedia. I did find a reference that suggested that the common name must exactly match the host name of your server, you might note that I’m not using a www prefix here. This will allow me to re-use this same certificate for email and other things in theory, it also follows the no-www approach. I opted to leave the challenge password blank.

The second step of the wizard on StartSSL for creating a certificate will ask for a cut & paste of the we just created. Paste the entire contents of the file in, and move on to the next step where you should see that the request was received.

Moving along the next step is to “Add Domains”, since we’ve only validated one domain this should be easy. As part of this process it will ask for one sub domain. I used “www” since that will still resolve correctly to the domain.

The remainder of the steps should be straight forward, you’ll arrive at the “Save Certificate” screen. You’ll want to save three things: 1) Text box contents as, then save-as the 2) intermediate and 3) root CA certificates (last two should be and ca.pem respectively).

Now we need to install into Apache2. I’ll assume you’re running Ubuntu.

We’ll start by copying the .crt and .pem files we saved from the final step on StartSSL into the /etc/apache2/ssl directory. We also want the .key file that was created when we made our CSR copied to the same directory.

Again I must credit, this is almost verbatim from his site. Run the following as root.

cd /etc/apache2/ssl
mv ca.pem
cat > startssl.chain.class1.server.crt
cat{key,crt} startssl.chain.class1.server.crt >
ln -sf apache.pem
chown root:root *.crt *.key *.pem
chmod 640 *.key *.pem

Now we need to modify the apache config file /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl and add the following within the <VirtualHost> block:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl/startssl.chain.class1.server.crt

Check that your Apache config parses as valid:

apache2ctl -t

And then restart Apache with the new config:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Here is the the verification process verbatim from

Run the following after restarting Apache to check the certificate chain:

echo HEAD / | openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -quiet > /dev/null

You should see something like:

depth=2 /C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate Signing/CN=StartCom Certification Authority
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0

A depth of 2 and a return value of 0 is good. If the certificate chain is wrong, you’ll probably see something like:

depth=0 /description=12345-ABCDEF123456/C=XX/O=Persona Not Validated/OU=StartCom Free Certificate Member/
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 /description=12345-ABCDEF123456/C=XX/O=Persona Not Validated/OU=StartCom Free Certificate Member/
verify error:num=27:certificate not trusted
verify return:1
depth=0 /description=12345-ABCDEF123456/C=XX/O=Persona Not Validated/OU=StartCom Free Certificate Member/
verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
verify return:1

I was pleased to see that it all verified correctly for me. Visiting resulted in a green lock icon under Google Chrome.

The StartSSL certificate expires in 1 year, so next year around this time I’ll be doing the same process. There is another CA (AffirmTrust) I came across that offers free 3 year certificates, I have no experience with them but would be interested to hear if anyone tries them out. There is CACert as well, but it doesn’t appear to be included in any of the browsers – limiting the usefulness of a certificate from them.

i9000 ICS – CyanogenMod 9 Alpha

One of the things that I look for in a phone is community support. For me there are two main reasons this is important: 1) It’s nice to have a large group of people you can ask questions of, or an active forum you can search for answers on 2) When later versions of Android are released, that community will hopefully build a version for your phone.

If you’ve been watching the tech news, there have been rumors that Samsung will support Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) on the Samsung Galaxy S (SGS) and claims that it won’t. The latest news appears to be that they will not upgrade the device, a bit sad as it was only released 18 months ago. So not even kept current through the length of most cell company contracts. This is one area where the iPhone has done right for the consumer.

If you’re interested in getting ICS for your i9000 (or in my case the i9000m) skip over to the XDA Forum and read through the huge thread. The team behind it are the same folk who helped bring CyanogenMod to the SGS originally and are now working on CM9. This is an alpha, there will be rough edges and I don’t suggest people leap in unless they are very brave.

I originally tried Build 11 and that didn’t work well enough for me to switch from the 7.1 stable I was on but it was close. Build 12 appears to be quite good, with a few changes I needed to make for my usage, specifically adding dropbear (SSHD) and rsync so I can do nightly backups (which I’ll talk about at the end of this post).

The forum thread has these instructions for people coming from CM7

 Upgrading from CM7?

  1. Do a Nandroid Backup!
  2. WIPE (wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition)
  3. Install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery
  4. Optionally install the Google Addon

I would recommend that you consider getting CM7 first, it’s a good base to work from and there will be better how to and help to get it working. Experience there will translate over to working with the ICS Alpha.

Here are my steps I used when moving to ICS .

  • Do some backups of your application data
    Backup SMS using SMS Backup+
    Backup Plume settings (and any other apps that support backup)
  • Take some screenshots of your home screens, nice reference to what you have. Also consider grabbing a list of the apps you have installed
  • Reboot into recovery – perform a backup in CWM
    “backup and restore -> Backup”
  • Mount USB mode in CWM
    ” mounts and storage -> mount USB storage”
  • Copy backup to PC (just in case something really bad happens)
  • Copy new ICS Alpha files to phone
  • Now wipe from CWM
    “wipe data/factory reset”
    “wipe cache partition”
  • Install the two .zip files we copied above, build12 first.
    At this point my heart always stops, as during the install of the firmware, the phone will reboot suddenly. Do. Not. Panic.
    It will automatically boot into ICS after the install. Now optionally reboot into recovery to install gapps.

There is a list of known issues in the main thread, you can post bug reports there but please search the thread so you don’t ask something obvious. There is another thread for discussion (ie: anything that is not a bug report).

Each time I’ve done this type of upgrade I seem to get burned by the Android Market treating the new ROM as if it were a new device, thus it doesn’t restore any of my apps. Good thing I had taken a backup of the list above. Having done this a few times, using a desktop web browser to the Market and installing from there to my phone is much faster.

My experience so far

The good stuff:

  • ICS is very, very pretty
  • Recent applications with preview is cool
  • Quick access to camera on lock screen is nice
  • Web browser handling of multiple windows more like iOS Safari
  • Calendar is a big improvement, phone interface much nicer too
  • It has USB mode instead of MTP

Why it’s still an alpha

  • I was unlucky and had a sync problem with the calendar
    This is a known problem with a solution – flash the
  • Every once in a while the lock screen has no touch response, lock/unlock again with power button fixes
  • I had mapped long press menu to search, that CM feature isn’t supported (yet?)
  • I miss “quiet times” from CM – using Sound Manager v2 to get same function
  • Power-off sound comes a while after screen is dark – I disabled the sound to resolve

So far no major issues. Only 1 of the ~50 apps I use indicated it wasn’t compatible – and I’m sure that’s just how they’ve tagged it in the market. The battery life appears to be about the same as CM 7.1.

One observation was my modem didn’t change from KG3 unlike my experience flashing CM7 where the modem did change, it seems my understanding of how the modem is updated (or not) is flawed.

I also briefly tried out a pure AOSP from Onecosmic and while it seems a bit more mature than the CM9 Alpha, it didn’t fit what I wanted (personal taste).

Getting SSHD and rsync working

I had previously written about getting SSHD working on CM7.1 and that I used rsnapshot to do incremental nightly backups of my phone. This has saved me at least once when my phone got very sick and needed to be wipe and freshly installed, having a day old backup was nice. Also when going from version to version I’m able to grab configuration details like the dropbear configuration – this allows me to reuse the same keyed ssh login without having to repeat the entire setup.

The ICS Alpha was missing dropbear. It turns out that the version from CM7.1 can be used – I specifically picked the ones from nightly build 181.

First you need to remount the /system filesystem to be read-write.

mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system

Grab dropbear, dropbearkey and rsync and put them in /system/xbin. Make sure to use chmod 755 on them to make them executable. Probably a good idea to reboot after this.

As I’m going to re-use my configuration files from my backup, I don’t need to use the setup steps from my blog post – I just use the abbreviated version below, but if you’re doing this clean follow the original write up.

# mkdir /data/dropbear
# mkdir /data/dropbear/.ssh

Copy the following files from backup to the phone


Then just fix the permissions

# chmod 755 /data/dropbear /data/dropbear/.ssh
# chmod 644 /data/dropbear/dropbear*host_key
# chmod 600 /data/dropbear/.ssh/authorized_keys

The ICS Alpha is also missing the ability to set the hostname, you can hack around it by using the following command.

# setprop net.hostname yourhostname

And of course, we need to launch dropbear

# dropbear -s -g

I still need to figure out how to get these into a script that will run on reboot, for now I’m just doing the last two command manually after every reboot.